A Wise Woman’s Guide to Men and Marriage

A Wise Woman’s Guide to Men and Marriage

Hosted by: Dr. Debi Smith, PsyD

Are you passionate about your mate and your marriage? Nevertheless, do you wish your husband would be more romantic? a more confident and compassionate leader? Do you often wonder what he’s thinking? How he feels?...

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The Heroine's Journey, Part 2, The Map

Your confidence has taken a few hits. Maybe a lot of hits. You assigned meaning to the things that happened. The more hurt you are, the more likely you are to believe the worst and prepare for the worst … to try to...
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The Heroine's Journey, Part 1

Why focus on the Heroine's Journey here? After more than two decades working in the field of Psychology, I'm still supremely passionate about helping couples and single adults discover more effective ways to live out...
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Professional Christian Counseling: Where to Find Help and How It Works

Are you looking for professional Christian counseling? Discover how two therapists approach their work and some of the techniques they use. Listen in as Dr. Debi discusses professional treatment models for anxiety and...
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Unlock The Secrets: Why Your Marriage Hit A Roadblock

Does it feel like your marriage hit a roadblock? You've arrived at an impasse. Neither of you is willing to budge. How did that happen? What brought you to this moment? Discover where that roadblock came from in your...
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What do you believe about God? A Heavenly Love Story

What do you believe about God? Your beliefs about Him affect your beliefs about your marriage, too. I believe He created you both, male and female, to partner with and enjoy one another. Therefore, He must be...
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The Surprising Ways Men And Women Communicate Differently

Episode #16

Men and women communicate differently. Consequently, they often have difficulty understanding what the other person is trying to communicate. Men are more sensitive than women realize. Plus, words have different...
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Cracking The Code: Understanding Women and Mastering The Art Of Loving Your Wife

Episode #15

Most men have trouble understanding women. No wonder their wives don’t follow their lead. Not all women want to run the show … or their husbands! Yes, there are still women who want to follow their husband’s...
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Faith and the Science of Romance

Episode #14

Does Faith agree with the Science of Romance? The Truth is, most of us have had an intimate relationship with someone at least once in our life time. You may be one whose experience of love was short circuited for one...
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Femininity & Masculinity in the 21st Century

Episode #13

Our culture – with the well-intentioned assistance of more than a few overly zealous feminists – has all but obliterated God’s plan for a man and a woman. Some Christians totally ignore the concept of submission,...
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Why Men Build Walls

Episode #12

Many women complain over and over again about one of the biggest challenges they face in their relationships with men: the lack of communication. Most women work very hard to create a loving home and/or environment,...
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Understanding Men, Part 2

Episode #11

Women have been lied to for decades when it comes to men. In Part 2, we dive into two more of the Biggest Secrets women need to know about men. FREE RESOURCES ► https://DrDebiSmith.com/free-resources/ SHOW NOTES ►...
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Understanding Men, Part 1

Episode #10

Women have been lied to for decades when it comes to men. In Part 1 of Understanding Men, we talk about methods couples try to help them upgrade a relationship, the pros and cons of each. Then we dive into one of the...
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