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The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage

Dr. Debi Smith, PsyD  

Welcome to the Freshman Class!

Hello. Have we met yet?

I'm Dr. Debi, and I am passionate about helping couples and single adults discover ways to apply healthy values and the findings of scientific research to everyday life and relationships. Yes, I love helping the boy win back his girl. But mostly ... I love helping the girl get what she wants. Which isn't nearly as complicated as the boy believes it to be. 

Just so you know ... I never favor one sex over the other. That would be counterproductive. That means I am not a sexist. And although I love helping women get what they want, I am not a feminist either. I am simply a pragmatist who recognizes and honors the fact that men and women are different by design. That's why I've created this safe place where women are valued and men are respected.

No need to read all these books ... nor to earn a fancy degree.

I've done that for you. As a former University Professor and Couple's Counselor, I'm happy to teach you what I learned so you can enjoy the kind of life and love that most folks just dream about.

I think about marriage differently than most people. 

Most relationship coaches, counselors, and therapists ignore the reality that men and women are different. 

At best, most offer SFH (Standard Fare Help). It's the emotional equivalence of SAD (Standard American Diet) ... mass-produced bunk that makes men and women settle for much less health and happiness than they could be enjoying.

  • SFH assumes that one person is right (most often they think it's her) and that other person is wrong (most often they think it's him).  
  • SFH never gives you the facts about what works, what doesn't, and why ... in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. 
  • Instead, SFH keeps you stuck going to ... and paying for ... sessions until you figure it out on your own ... or one of you gives up.

That's not what you wanted when you reached out for help, was it? 

That’s why I created A Wise Woman's Guide.
No, I'm not here to tell you what to do.
That's up to you. 

I teach the Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage:
what works, what doesn't, and why. 

In the process, you'll learn some very specific steps that you can take to move yourself forward by making your own fully-informed, conscious choices. 

And I hope you will always make fully-informed, conscious choices. 

Because your success matters to me. 

Dr. Debi, Psych Prof 
A Wise Woman's Guide 


Freshman: Introduction to The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage

7 Secrets of Masculinity

Discover what men won't say, but women need to hear. Straight up. Simple. To the Point. A One-Page Study Guide for the woman who loves one of the good guys.

Download Free Guide

Understanding Women

What do women want? Learn more about women on this one-page guide for men than you ever could from a lifetime of trying to figure her out on your own. 

Download Free Guide

Our Community

Serious Questions. Sincere Answers. Honest Conversations. With understanding and honor ... a place where women are valued and men are respected.

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Domestic Violence and Abuse

I teach what works in "normal" situations. But this may not apply to yours. This resource can help you decided if you are in an abusive relationship that requires more. 

Free Questionnaire

Can this marriage be saved?

Make Up or Break Up? Prediction. Problems. Personalities. Possibilities. What research reveals about your ability to save your marriage.

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When Your Love Is Broken

Adultery. Abandonment. Addiction. Abuse. Interestingly, they all begin with the letter A. If this is your challenge, here are some resources to help you along your journey.

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Daily Encouragement

The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage

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