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Can a Woman Be Trusted With a Man's Heart?

Seriously, can a woman be trusted with a man's heart? Every man experiences this phenomenon, but few women grasp what happens to a man the closer he gets to a woman. The experience of "male relational dread" has been documented in psychological research. Initially, a boy's vulnerable feelings during maternal disconnection may have very profound implications for the rest of male relational development. As an adult, he dreads getting too close and being too vulnerable with a woman because he anticipates rejection and criticism. And he has plenty of evidence to support his fear. Can a woman be trusted? Can you be trusted to bring an end to your man's relational dread?


Just so you know ... I never favor one sex over the other. That would be counterproductive. That means I am not a sexist. And although I love helping women get what they want, I am not a feminist either. I am simply a pragmatist who recognizes and honors the fact that men and women are different by design. That's what A Wise Woman's Guide is all about.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a professional evaluation or treatment for emotional and relational concerns. If you are experiencing severe distress or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact a licensed mental health professional for assistance. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.