Where do you begin ... even if it seems you can't win?
Can your marriage be saved? What difference can you make if your mate won't talk?
What makes a "good enough" marriage great? Or an "already great" marriage better than ever?
You've been lied to long enough!
You've been led to believe marriage is something it was never designed to be. It can be so much better.
No wonder you're confused!
You've been told men are stupid and simple and shallow, so there's nothing to study.
Yet he is wonderfully complex!
You've been told women are crazy and complicated, so there's no point in even trying to understand her.
Yet she's beautifully different than he!
Hello, I'm Dr. Debi.
Men and women are different.
Alway have been.
Always will be.
I never favor one sex over the other.
That would be counterproductive.
That means I am not a sexist.
I love teaching the boy how to win back his girl.
And although I love teaching the girl how to get what she wants.
Which isn't nearly as difficult as he's been led to believe,
I am neither a sexist nor a feminist.
I am a pragmatist who recognizes and honors
the fact that men and women are different by design.
I've taught the info in this Program for a long time.
Now it's available to you. "Why?" you ask.
Because your success matters to me!

You’re not imagining things.
You know something isn’t right. Your conversations are short, one-word responses ... you rarely laugh together as you once did ... you're stuck in a monotonous routine of work, Netflix, bed ... and there is no intimacy ... and even if there is, it feels forced.
You’re disappointed, lonely, and hurt. Every time you try to talk about it, your mate shuts down or gets angry or just walks away. You don’t know what else to do. You can’t imagine breaking up, but the thought has definitely crossed your mind.
Life doesn't have to be this way!
Let me teach you what a therapist won't tell you and how to communicate so your mate values what you say.
Learn to make sense of how the opposite sex thinks and feels, and why they do what they do instead of what you think they should do ... so you can fall in love all over again and build a life you love!
- Reduce frustrations, arguments, and silence.
- Get your mate to listen to and value your perspective.
- Improve your couple communication and ability to resolve conflict.
- Increase your desire to be with one another ... and enjoy the time you have together.
And so much more … all without begging, nagging, or bribing your mate … without standing on your head to please and appease them … without dragging your mate to therapy … or doing anything else crazy.
Are the solutions simple?
Yes, with an accurate framework.Are the solutions obvious?
Rarely. That's why you're here.Are the solutions easy?
Not always. But they're totally doable.
Both men and women desperately need a practical approach to Romance ... based in Real Life Research!
- I've never understood why they don't teach this in school.
- Absolutely no one taught me anything about men and marriage.
- My dad wasn’t around when I was growing up, and my mom was thoroughly confused about men. So neither of them were any help.
I married at 18 with stars in my eyes.
My husband had just finished his freshman year of college.
I worked full time until our first son was born ... 6 weeks after his dad graduated.
By the time we'd been married almost 16 years ...
- I’d been to the library and read enough books about marriage to choke a horse.
- But none of them talked about how men and women are designed to work together.
- No one told me what my husband thought, how he felt, or why he did the things he did.
- No one taught my husband about what I needed either. Heck, I didn’t even know that myself!
Unfortunately, my church never taught me anything about love and marriage either.
Instead, marriage seemed to be something mystical that everyone knew about except me. Based on my religious upbringing, I concluded that if I just never needed anything and served my husband instead of myself, it would all be perfect. But it wasn't.
After my first marriage ended, I finally got to go to college.
They didn’t teach me anything about men or about women either, much less what made a healthy marriage. Grad school in clinical psychology did a little better on the topic of marriage. We could take a course in how to do couples therapy, and I did.
All these years later, it still seems odd to me – really, really odd
– that no one teaches anything useful about gender differences.
- Why would they ignore such an important subject?
- After all, marriage is comprised of a man and a woman.
- Shouldn’t we know about the components?
- Yes, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
- But does that mean we ignore the parts altogether?
However, the process of raising three sons as a single mom made me curious.
Yes, by the time I finally made it to college, I’d collected enough evidence to build a solid case against men. But my curiosity about how to raise boys made me curiouser and curiouser about men in general ... and why they are the way they are.
And what I discovered set the course for the remainder of my career and my life.
- I kept studying men. Academically and clinically and personally. (Yes, I did fall in love again. 💕)
- As a Psychologist, my speciality was Couple's Therapy. And I started to get more curious about women.
- What do women need and want, and why so many of us never get to live our dream.
So here I am to teach you what I learned as a former University Professor and Couple's Counselor.
Yes, that's a lot of info! But I promise to keep it super simple. Because now is better than never ... to have an honest discussion about the Realities of Romance ... and to have access to a Practical Program that explores both sides of the equation.
The Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage
What Works, What Doesn't, and Why

The Hero's Journey
Because the Path is different for a man.
I never try to teach a man how to be a man. You already know how to do that.
But I can teach you how to relate to her more effectively … so you can experience being Loved. Respected. Empowered.
Because you were born to be a Hero.

The Heroine's Journey
Because the Path is different for a woman.
I get where you're coming from. I understand your Vulnerability. Confusion. Frustration.
I can teach you the truth about men and marriage ... so you can live a beautiful life filled with Hope. Confidence. Wisdom.
Because every Heroine deserves a Hero.

Two Hearts' Journey
Grow better side by side. The path is different for each of you. So I've created both Men's and Women's Programs.
My In-Person Couples Events always include separate training sessions that answer questions from each unique perspective.
Save time and money. Enroll together.
Enroll for the knowledge.
Stay for the support.The Program takes from 3 to 12 months to complete, but there is no longterm commitment. If it's helping, you can stay as long as you like. If it's not, just cancel your enrollment anytime before your next payment is due. No questions asked. You will be welcome to return whenever the time is right for you ... if enrollment is open ... and re-enroll at the current fee.
I am a psychologist, but I am not your therapist or your coach. I teach the Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage. The info provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a professional evaluation or treatment for emotional and relational concerns. If you are experiencing severe distress or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact a licensed mental health professional for assistance. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Work at your own pace.
All classes are recorded, so you won't need to adjust your schedule to fit mine.
I will send you additional info once I receive your registration.
Your login info (and your mate's, if applicable) will be delivered to your inbox within 24 hours.
- When the class is full, you will not be able to enroll.
- So don't take a chance.
- Don't miss out.
What students say ...
“My wife and I are so appreciative to have found Dr. Debi. We had been going on an off for years with many different therapists and techniques. Nothing compares to the approach that Dr. Debi provided.
I had always found it hard after previous therapy sessions to remember the guidance. It seemed so complex and elusive to embrace.
Dr. Debi gave us direct and instantly useful advise. She laid an impressionable foundation that helped me see how much love my wife and I had for each other in a way that was consistent and tangible.
She taught us to recognize the critical moments that caused caused us so much pain. Thanks to Dr. Debi we now have ‘tools’ to battle the rampant miscommunication that had plagued our relationship. I will be forever grateful.”
Jackson & Chalaun
“I thank God for leading us to you and your sincere, knowledgeable and anointed spirit and teaching!
From you, we’ve each learned a lot about each other, about communication, and in better understanding each others’ emotions.
More importantly, I believe your teaching (and your “person”) has been instrumental in each of us strengthening our relationships with God (most importantly, my Husband’s).
We cannot be thankful enough for you saving our marriage (would seem almost impossible to most), and also to restoring it to much better than before the separation! We love you, Dr. Debi.”
“Dr. Debi helped me see that I had expectations for my husband based on my own expectations for myself.
I expected my husband, who is mentally wired differently, raised differently, processes differently, communicates differently and is even biologically built differently, to act like me, a female.
Once I was able to realize those differences, I was able to listen and learn what HE needed from me instead of what I thought he needed.
This new outlook opened up new conversations which have led to a level of depth that neither of us knew existed. We are extremely grateful to Dr. Debi for showing us the tools we need to love each other, respect each other, and take care of each other.”
“My wife and I saw Dr. Debi after being married for 23 years and she brought us back from a place where, in my opinion divorce was inevitable, to a loving, caring, more understanding relationship.
I’ve since learned how to communicate better, be more patient, and realize that the two different backgrounds we both were raised from has a huge impact on how we deal with things today.
Dr. Debi is amazing how she’s able to translate what a man is trying to say/tell his wife and have it make sense. She has an extraordinary insight on men and how they speak and what they need in a relationship.
I feel much closer to my wife and realize she’s the most important thing I have in my life, and I will protect her to my last breath. Thanks again Dr. Debi.”
“Dr. Debi, I am grateful that God brought you into my life when He did. I would never had thought, if I just reply to this email maybe this woman could help me. Or at least hear me and have something encouraging to say to me. Who would have thought we would meet on zoom and get to know each other more. I am so grateful for you and the work you are doing to help men and women. To be able to understand and communicate with each other. To know that we are different and communicate differently. That we say things as women that men don’t understand and vice versa. I have learned so much on my journey with you and I can’t wait to learn more. I would love to be able to better communicate, listen and hear my husband. For him to see Tiffany 2.0, and fall in love with me again and for me to fall in love with him again. I am extremely excited to see where 2025 will take me. Hearing you say I am proud of how far you have come, gave me hope. It stirred something inside me. That I have a purpose. That you could see me helping others.”
Take the Next Step on Your Own Marvelous Journey Today!

Enroll for the knowledge.
Stay for the support.The Program takes from 3 to 12 months to complete, but there is no longterm commitment. If it's helping, you can stay as long as you like. If it's not, just cancel your enrollment anytime before your next payment is due. No questions asked. You will be welcome to return whenever the time is right for you ... if enrollment is open ... and re-enroll at the current fee.
I am a psychologist, but I am not your therapist or your coach. I teach the Psychology of Men, Women, and Marriage. The info provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace a professional evaluation or treatment for emotional and relational concerns. If you are experiencing severe distress or believe you may be a victim of domestic violence, please contact a licensed mental health professional for assistance. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.