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The Choice is yours when you work with me to discover new ways to thrive in Love!

I am passionate about helping couples and single adults discover ways to apply healthy values and the findings of scientific research to everyday life and relationships. Yes, I love helping the boy win back his girl. But mostly ... I love helping the girl get what she wants. Which isn't nearly as complicated as the boy believes it to be. 

Just so you know ... I never favor one sex over the other. That would be counterproductive. That means I am not a sexist. And although I love helping women get what they want, I am not a feminist either. I am simply a pragmatist who recognizes and honors the fact that men and women are different by design. That's what A Wise Woman's Guide is all about.

Drop-in Coaching Call

Whenever you have a concern, or just need to talk, drop-in coaching can help you find answers to your most pressing questions ... as they arise. I'm available for a 60-minute session most weeks during regular office hours, Monday through Thursday. Drop in as often as you like!

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Coaching vs. Psychotherapy

Most people are confused about the difference between psychotherapy and a professional coaching program. As you may know, I’ve done both. 

  • Psychotherapy is based on the Medical Model. Your therapist determines your psychiatric diagnosis ... or your partner's diagnosis. Your work is often open-ended. Sessions focus on symptom relief for the identified patient ... that is, the person with the diagnosis. 
  • Coaching is based on the Personal Development model. You are provided with a framework for understanding what works, what doesn't, and why ... as well as opportunities to clarify how a framework may apply to your particular situation ... and guided toward a more rewarding outcome. However, what you do with the information is totally up to you. Simple. Straightforward.

Whenever you're ready, pick your preferred Coaching Program to help you reach your goals. Always remember, your success matters to me!

The Hero's Journey

This 6-week Coaching Program for Men won't teach you how to be a man. But you'll learn how to be a better mate. Practical tips and simple strategies to solve problems faster.


The Heroine's Journey

Solutions to challenges are usually simple. But they're rarely obvious or easy. A 6-Week Coaching Program exclusively for Women who want more from life and love.


Private Retreat

Make faster progress on relationship goals at a customized retreat ... for you and your mate ... or for you and your friends. Choose 1, 2, or 3 days via Zoom or in person. 

$497 - $4997

Couple's Coaching Program

A 6- or 12-Week Customized Coaching Program to help you reach relationship goals? Schedule a free Consultation to explore your options. $597-$2997

Book A Free Consultation

Men, Women, and Marriage

The Psychology of what works, what doesn't, and why. What would it take to make your "good enough" marriage great ... or your "already great" marriage better than ever? 

Just the Course, Please

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